
Subscriber cart controller

GET Cart/{cartId}/UserToken

Get the user token for a cart

DELETE Cart/{cartId}/UserToken

Delete the user token for a cart

POST Cart/Abandon

Abandon the cart for the consumer

POST Cart/Checkout

Checkout the cart for the consumer


Payment Methods API to faciliate storing and retreiving payment information and retreiving payment metadata to a Connect users stored account.

GET Connect/PaymentMethods/Stored?userId={userId}

Fetches the stored payment methods that are on the requesting Connect user's account. Note: Balances on GiftCards returned by this endpoint are their original balance amounts and not reflective of their actual balance.


Payment Methods API to facilitate storing and retrieving payment information and retrieving payment metadata for purchases in MINDBODY Shopping Services

GET Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods

Gets all of the payment methods a specific user has.DEPRECATED. Use GET Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/Shopping

GET Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/Configuration

Gets payments configuration for the requesting user at the provided subscriber

POST Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/CreditCard

Stores a Credit Card payment with intended usage at the subscriber and returns the usable payment method for shopping at that subscriber.

GET Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/GiftCard/{externalId}

Searches for a gift card payment method at the subscriber.

GET Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/Shopping?userId={userId}&includeSubscriberCreditCard={includeSubscriberCreditCard}

Gets all payment methods that are usable for shopping at the subscriber. Currently only Credit Card, Gift Card, and Account Balance payment methods are supported.

POST Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/StoreConsumerCreditCard?userId={userId}

Stores a consumers credit card at the subscriber with credit card token id as request.

GET Consumer/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods

Gets all of the payment methods a specific user has.DEPRECATED. Use GET Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/Shopping

GET Consumer/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/Configuration

Gets payments configuration for the requesting user at the provided subscriber

POST Consumer/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/CreditCard

Stores a Credit Card payment with intended usage at the subscriber and returns the usable payment method for shopping at that subscriber.

GET Consumer/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/GiftCard/{externalId}

Searches for a gift card payment method at the subscriber.

GET Consumer/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/Shopping?userId={userId}&includeSubscriberCreditCard={includeSubscriberCreditCard}

Gets all payment methods that are usable for shopping at the subscriber. Currently only Credit Card, Gift Card, and Account Balance payment methods are supported.

POST Consumer/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/StoreConsumerCreditCard?userId={userId}

Stores a consumers credit card at the subscriber with credit card token id as request.


POST Connect/{subscriberId}/SecurePayments/CreditCards/TemporaryStore

Temporarily stores a secure payment and returns a token to be used during the session. Once the session is over, the token is no longer valid. DEPRECATED. Use POST Connect/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/CreditCard


Controller exposing smoke test methods to run after a deploy and get a quick status.

GET Smoke/deps

Lists all dependencies of this service

GET Smoke/status

Overall status of Payments API and current version of build running.

GET SmokeTest/Ping

Simple ping endpoint to see if Paments API is alive

GET SmokeTest/Status

Smoke tests the critical dependencies of Payments API


Subscriber payment method controller

POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Consumer/{consumerId}/PaymentMethods/BankAccount

Stores a Bank payment method for a consumer at the subscriber based on the BankPaymentAddRequest.

POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Consumer/{consumerId}/PaymentMethods/CreditCard

Stores a credit card payment for a consumer at the subscriber based on the CreditCardPaymentAddRequest.

POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Consumer/{consumerId}/PaymentMethods/CreditCard/CardPresent

Stores a credit card payment for a consumer at the subscriber based on the CardPresentCreditCardStoreRequest.

POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Consumer/{consumerId}/PaymentMethods/CreditCard/Poynt

Stores a credit card payment for a consumer at the subscriber based on the CreditCardPaymentFromPoyntAddRequest.

GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Consumer/{consumerId}/PaymentMethods/Shopping?locationId={locationId}

Finds the payment methods that are usable for shopping by the consumer

GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/GiftCard/{externalId}

Finds a specific gift card via the passed in gift card id

GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/PaymentMethods/GiftCardId

Returns a generated gift card id for the subscriber. The id is unique at time of generation

GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/Rules/Shopping

Returns payment configuration for a subscriber


End-points for voids and returns. All endpoints (unless otherwise specified) return 200 on success, 400 on validation failures, (403/401 on authentication/authorization problems)

GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/order/{orderId}/forreturn

Retrieves an order object that is prepared for a return or void

POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/order/{orderId}/return

Returns an order

GET Subscriber/{subscriberId}/order/{orderId}/returnactions

List of return actions you can do an order

POST Subscriber/{subscriberId}/order/{orderId}/void

Voids an order. Returns 204 No Content on success.


Creating endpoint for production testing of organization balance requests

POST Workplace/Accounts/Balance/Test

Ability to get an account balance based on raw values